Gelling agent

The drug product information on this web page is for academic reference only for medical professionals. If you are not a medical professional, please exit this page.
Drugs should be used under the guidance of doctors, and do not purchase and use by yourself.
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  • Jinfan

    ofloxacin gel

    It is used for skin and soft tissue bacterial infectious diseases caused by sensitive bacteria, such as folliculitis, abscess, trauma infection and eczema infection.

  • Darrin

    clindamycin phosphate gel

    This product is used for a variety of bacterial skin infections; Indications: acne vulgaris (common name: acne); The effect is quick, and the effect is obvious after two weeks of general medication.
  • Page 1 of 1

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Adverse drug reaction feedback Hotline: 0512-52970920
Preparation Division: Manager Chen 19916769109
API Division: Manager Xu 15281069885
Sales business consultation: Manager Chen 19916769109

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The Little Red Book

Quick Contact

Adverse drug reaction feedback Hotline: 0512-52970920
Preparation Division: Manager Chen 19916769109
API Division: Manager Xu 15281069885
Sales business consultation: Manager Chen 19916769109

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